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We are a regenerative farm that prioritizes animal welfare, ecology, and human health. Simply put, we produce food that’s good for the animals, the land, and you.

Our heritage breed cattle are raised on our holistically managed pasture where they forage for grasses, forbs & legumes. They are rotated to a new paddock every day to ensure that have access to fresh healthy plants. 100% grassfed and finished as nature intended an herbivore ruminant to be.

WHOLE BEEF cost is $6.50/LB hang weight + processing fee
Approximate hang weight 500-600LB = $3,250-$3,900
Average processing fee $500-$600

Average total cost for WHOLE BEEF = $3,750-$4,500

WHOLE BEEF yields approximately 300-360LB of meat in the following cuts:
40% Ground Beef
20% Steaks (Strip Steaks, Ribeyes, Sirloin, Flank, Skirt)
35% Roasts (Chuck Roast, Round Roast, Sirloin Roast, Brisket, Short Rib, Osso Bucco)
5% misc items - shank, bones, organ meats, fat


Expect to take home 60-65% of the hang weight in packaged meat ground, roasts, steaks, kabob, bones, organ meat & more!


By purchasing a whole beef, you can customize how the beef is both cut and packaged.

HALF BEEF cost is $7/LB hang weight + processing
Approximate hang weight 250-300LB = $1,750 - $2,100
Average processing fee $250-300
Average total cost for HALF BEEF = $2,000-$2,400

HALF BEEF yields approximately 150-180LB of meat in the following cuts:
40% Ground Beef
20% Steaks (Strip Steaks, Ribeyes, Sirloin, Flank, Skirt)
35% Roasts (Chuck Roast, Round Roast, Sirloin Roast, Brisket, Short Rib, Osso Bucco)
5% misc items - shank, bones, organ meats, fat


Expect to take home 60-65% of the hang weight in packaged meat ground, roasts, steaks, kabob, bones, organ meat & more!


By purchasing a half beef, you can customize how the beef is both cut and packaged.

QUARTER BEEF $7.50/LB hang weight + processing
Approximate hang weight 125-150LB = $937.50-$1,125
Average processing fee $125-175
Average total cost for QUARTER BEEF = $1,062.50-$1,300

QUARTER BEEF yields approximately 75-90LB meat in the following cuts
40% Ground Beef
20% Steaks (Strip Steaks, Ribeyes, Sirloin, Flank, Skirt)
35% Roasts (Chuck Roast, Round Roast, Sirloin Roast, Brisket, Short Rib, Osso Bucco)
5% misc items - shank, bones, organ meats, fat


Expect to take home 60-65% of the hang weight in packaged meat ground, roasts, steaks, kabob, bones, organ meat & more!


*Quarter beef share cuts are pre-determined*


What you pay:

1. You pay us for the cow - to reserve your fall 2023 beef share we require $1,00 deposit for whole beef, $500 for half beef, and $250 for quarter beef The remaining balance is due immediately after processing of the animal, once we have the hanging weight. Our pricing is based on the hanging weight of the animal.

2. You pay the butcher for processing fees

How much space do you need?


A whole beef will take up approximately 20 cubic feet of freezer space, half beef 10 cubic feet, quarter beef 5 cubic feet.Processing fee will be paid directly to the processor at pickup.

Why you should consider a share:

Purchasing meat in bulk is the most cost effective way to buy our meat. If you have the funds and the freezer space then investing in a share is the way to go! Not only will you have a freezer full of nourishing meat from a farm you trust, but you will also enjoy the convenience that it brings, and all the trips to the store it saves you!